*Captain Deadpool… nah…*
Step right up, b*tches, and get ready for the Visually Stunning review of
Deadpool 2

After the phenomenal success that was the original Deadpool, Ryan Reynolds and his merry band of Fox Studios’ red-headed step-children (Colossus, Domino, Shatterstar, Bedlam, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Zeitgeist, Peter) are back for another bite at the apple, or hit off the bong, or whatever other analogy you want to use to say “sequel.”
Having undergone a change in directors from the first go-round, with David Leitch replacing Tim Miller (ironically, so he could go off and direct X-Force), can the Deadpool team replicate their freshman success, catching lightning in a bottle one more time?
Who the f*ck knows?