This is a film that premiered at Sundance in 2019 is now finally getting a release (yesterday, 17 January 2020!) by Amazon.
Troop Zero

Troop Zero takes place in Wiggly, Georgia, in 1977, and is the story of Christmas Flint (played by McKenna Grace), who wants nothing more than to have her voice put on the golden record that will be sent to the stars on the Voyager spacecraft.
To accomplish this (and so make contact with her dead mother, who she believes has become part of the cosmos), she must assemble a group of misfit Birdie Scouts and win the Birdie Jamboree.
With her best friend Joseph, bully Hell-No Price, Hell-No’s crony “Smash,” one-eyed Jesus freak Anne-Claire, and her perpetual-loser of a lawyer father, Ramsey (aka “The Boss Man,” played by Jim Gaffigan) and his beaten down secretary Miss Rayleen (Viola Davis), can Troop Zero win the day, or will they continue to be misfits and losers?
Troop Zero was written by Lucy Alibar and directed by Bert and Bertie. It features McKenna Grace, Viola Davis, Jim Gaffigan, Allison Janney, Charlie Shotwell, Milan Ray, Johanna Colon, Bella Higginbotham, and Mike Epps.
It is available on Amazon Prime Video.