Next up, and documentary from Dark Star Pictures, directed by Andrei Bowden-Schwartz and Sam B. Jones:

Red, White, and Wasted

Red, White, and Wasted (Photo courtesy of Dark Star Pictures)
Red, White, and Wasted (Photo courtesy of Dark Star Pictures)


An unapologetic look at race, class and polarized politics manifest themselves in unexpected and very messy ways in director Andrei Bowden-Schwartz and Sam B. Jones’ Red White & Wasted, coming this September from Dark Star Pictures.

This is a very unusual film for us to look at, because, well, because it deals with things that we see everyday but don’t want to talk about.

And we really do need to stop, look, listen, and talk about them.

Red, White and Wasted is the story of Matthew Burns, an early and prominent documentarian of the Florida “mudding” culture.

Self-described “rednecks,” Matthew and his family and friends are a dying breed, trying to keep what they see as the best parts of their culture alive, while simultaneously dealing–in their own ways–with the worst parts.

At once ridiculous, infuriating, heart-warming, heart-breaking, uplifting, and depressing, Red, White and Wasted is a must-see film during these turbulent times in America.

But watch it for what it can teach you, not to validate what you think you already know.

Red, White and Wasted is in select theaters today, and will be On Demand September 22, from Dark Star Pictures.