Attack of the Demons

75 Minutes, Unrated

Written by Andreas Peterson

Directed/Animated by Eric Powers


Attack of the Demons poster (Courtesy of Dark Star Pcitures)
Attack of the Demons poster (Courtesy of Dark Star Pcitures)


The year is 1994 – For centuries, a demonic cult has been plotting the destruction of mankind. When a small Colorado town is overrun by a legion of mutating demons, three non-demon hunter friends must use every skill their minds can fathom to stave off the demon apocalypse.

Now, I’m hoping Ryan gets to watch this and decides he wants to talk about it, but until then, this will have to do.

First: yes; the comparisons to South Park are inevitable. From the animation style to the fact it takes place in a remote Colorado town, to the irreverent tone of its characters, Attack of the Demons owes much to Trey Parker and Matt Stone.

But I’m going to say that I like this animation better than South Park. It’s incredibly complex, and the multiple layers of paper add a depth to the film that South Park doesn’t give us.

Kudos to Eric Power for cutting and animating all of this. A monumental achievement, and one that feels so much more “alive” than most modern CG animation.

Second: as an old-timey RPG player, I couldn’t help but feel like Attack of the Demons would have been small-party adventure back in the day. The choices the characters made (right, wrong, and unbelievably bad) are something out of every Dungeon Master’s anxiety pit: a perfect set-up ruined by actual players.

But I digress.

The film is understandably being appreciated at film festivals, as it plays into the sometimes slightly off-center sensibilities found in those attendees.

Thankfully, I think, Attack of the Demons is not, nor could it have been, destined for a wide release in theaters, because it would lose something in the transition, I think.

It’s made for a more intimate setting. A living room with friends of like-minded humor.

It will find its audience, and they will welcome it like a long-lost friend.

It will be a cult classic.

Attack of the Demons opens today in Virtual Theaters (), and will release on DVD/VOD November 3.

(Yes, we want a DVD, lol)

Attack of the Demons features the voices of Andreas Petersen, Thomas Petersen, Katie Maguire, and Eric Power.

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