At Night Comes Wolves
77 Minutes, Not Rated
Written and Directed by Thomas TJ Maine

A sheltered housewife abandons her marriage and her misogynistic husband, only to learn that he used to be the leader of a doomsday cult that she is about to join.
In this unnerving tale about misogyny, fate, and sexism comes a story about a woman who is about to change the world forever.
After Leah Shaffer finally leaves her emotionally manipulative husband, she finds a friend in a drifter whom she quickly feels a deep connection with. The drifter introduces Leah to a prodigal chemist, and Leah learns her new friends are all that is left of a doomsday cult that disbanded years earlier.
Together, the new trio is about to change the world, but before they can reveal their secrets, they have to tie up loose ends with Leah’s husband — and their ex-leader.
Man, where to begin?
This is short, for a feature film, at only 77 minutes, and that’s a problem. We don’t get a lot of development of the story, not the “incident” that is introduced a third of way in, or so. Character development is often lacking (when it’s there at all), leaving us with simply the people we have in front of us now.
The opening concept is solid: woman fleeing abusive/manipulative husband. And he is, in fact, 110% asshole. Fact.
His history, once we learn it, is an interesting twist (whether he’s insane or not is another argument).
The drifter sub-plot is good, when we reach that point. I’m digging it. A little Manson-esque in terms of his companion, but he’s got more of a David Koresh feel to him.
The performances are suitably damaged, vulnerable, arrogant, and effective.
So far, so good.
And then we reach the climax…
…and it all falls apart for me.
Seventy minutes of hard-core, undisguised rants against misogyny, a falling out amongst the cult members after the leader is exposed as a d-bag, and the solution to all the world’s problems becomes–
**Spoiler alert**
a zombie apocalypse.
What. The. Actual. Fuck?
I could let the other problems with the film slide, because I was cool with the concepts, but that ending just killed it for me.
I’m done.
At Night Comes Wolves can be seen on digital platforms beginning April 20.
At Night Comes Wolves stars Gabi Alves, Jacob Allen Weldy, Vladimir Noel, and Sarah Serio.
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