Like A Dirty French Novel
78 Minutes, Not Rated
Written by Michael Cuenca, Ashlee Elfman and Dan Rojay
Directed by Michael Cuenca

A grindhouse noir following a sexually-charged phone operator, two estranged twin brothers, and a cosplaying femme fatale.
The movie was shot during one week at the end of October/beginning of November 2020, but writer/director Cuenca had ideas for the story since his teens (a good twenty years). The story was fleshed out alongside “Oblivion” collaborator Ashlee Elfman and frequent collaborator Dan Rojay.
Dan Rojay and Cuenca proceeded to write the screenplay during quarantine with the intent of shooting it on the fly and without a budget.
Now, I don’t know if they actually shot it without a (formal) budget; I mean, things cost money, after all, and there’s just enough special effects that it had to cost something, right?
Regardless, as is typical of “quarantine cinema,” there are few actors, often shot solo (presumably to work around social distancing requirements/preferences), and when they are forced into closer quarters/the same shot, masks are present.
*Quick aside: would “social distancing” on a movie set actually be considered “professional distancing?” Inquiring minds want to know.*
Overall, the film plays pretty well. It’s roots in the noir genre are clear, and the dialogue reflects that.
Because let’s be honest; noir sometimes has terribly wooden dialogue, doesn’t it?
The performances are all pretty good, with the characters interweaving their storylines in ways just vaguely enough that we couldn’t really be certain the film was going to wrap up with some sort of crazy master plan by the end…
But it does.
And I don’t know this film needed to it.
I mean, yes, noir loves for everything to be entwined and self-contained, but sometimes it’s just the randomness of interaction–without higher consequence–that is more intriguing.
That’s not to imply that Like A Dirty French Novel is a bad film: far from it. I was just musing on some general cinematic garbage there, for a moment.
Check it out when you get a chance. Currently, I have not information on when it will make it’s theatrical or virtual release after it had its debut at Dances With Films on August 28.
But when I know, you’ll know.
Like A Dirty French Novel stars Jennifer Daley, Robby Valls and Amanda Viola.
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