A Good Couple – Short Film
13 Minutes, Not Rated
Written and Directed by Robert Gregson

Julia is frustrated with the reality of who she’s dating and wishes she could actually be in love, but her relationship to love is complicated by the perfection she’s imagining. Although her boyfriend changes and she gets what she wants, she pays a heavy price.
One of the great things about short films is that they can’t waste time on non-essential things.
In Drama, the writer is forced to cut out a lot of unnecessary fluff.
In Horror, the director can pare down things that might be over-played to the bare essentials.
For A Good Couple, Robert Gregson takes full advantage of the brevity of the format. The compressed time-frame of the film serves to accentuate the changes in the characters, making them more immediate.
It’s a hyper-compressed take on the classic changeling trope.
In a feature length film, we would have been treated to endless, repetitive hints of are-they/aren’t-they, whereas here, it is made clear that something is wrong, and we–along with our characters need to deal with it right now.
Kudos to Gregson for recognizing and exploiting the features of his chosen format.
A Good Couple is currently playing the film festival circuit, so make sure you check out the lineup of those festivals near you! Let studios know we want more (and good!) content.
A Good Couple stars Julie Ann Earls and Alex Mandell
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