The World Ends At Camp Z – Movie Review
90 Minutes, Not Rated
Written by Diane Janna
Directed by Ding Wang
During the pandemic, the present camp owner is forced to entertain the new buyer then learns of his evil intentions towards the land. In order to stop the sale he has tricks up his sleeve but a zombie uprising was never one of them.
I am, in fact, kind of getting tired of films using the Covid pandemic to greenlight otherwise pedestrian cinematic fare. There has been a ton of those come across my screen, and mostly, they’re predictable nonsense, should one care to try and predict them.
The bright side of The World Ends At Camp Z (TWEACZ) is that it isn’t about Covid. Not really, at any rate. No, there’s a new strain of influenza that is spreading fast, causing some otherwise undefined “unusual” symptoms.
At least, in terms of predictability, then, TWEACZ uses the premise not as some sort of social commentary (as some recent films I’ve screened have), but rather as a nice, comfortable, zombie origin film.
Sure, there’s a little love-triangle action in therebetween Julian, Vanessa, and her douchy-rich boyfriend Aaron, and a bit of an environmental message, but really, this is a zombie movie.
And that is 100% okay.
Set in beautiful Canada, at an idyllic campground like something out of 1950s or 60s travelogue, TWEACZ, despite those narrative detours noted above, never really veers from its zombie roots or influences, and I appreciated that.
Also, and this is a mild spoiler, I love a dark/negative/bummer of an ending.
Probably because I’ve been told that my own writing tends towards darker endings, which I somehow never realized.
But in that respect, TWEACZ also delivers.
If you’re in the mood for some retro, campy, zombie-laden fun, check out The World Ends At Camp Z.
The World Ends At Camp Z is now available on Digital and On Demand.
The World Ends At Camp Z stars Anne-Carolyne Binette, Dean Persons, Michael Czemerys, Osawa Muskwa, Rafaela Salomão and Arthur Bussières Gallant.
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tags: movies, movie review, The World Ends at Camp Z,Anne-Carolyne Binette, Dean Persons, Michael Czemerys, Osawa Muskwa, Rafaela Salomão,Arthur Bussières Gallant, ding wang, diane janna