Jurassic Island – Movie Review
77 Minutes, Not Rated
Written by Dominic Ellis and Tom Jolliffe
Directed by Dominic Ellis


Jurassic Island - Movie Review
Jurassic Island poster (Courtesy of Uncorkd)



Ava uncovers the whereabouts of her missing Father to an unchartered Island; a mythical lost world uncovered before them by her grandfather.


Oh, look: dinosaurs.
Look, this movie isn’t really that good. A scientist and his wife find an uncharted island, die/disappear, and their granddaughter finds clues to where they vanished to, and goes to find them.
Brings a couple of pseudo-scientist friends with her, and calamity ensues.
Did you know that if people and dinosaurs get together, people die?
It’s true, and this movie is no exception to that rule.
But it’s not just the reliance on people wanting to see dinosaurs on screen that dooms this movie, it’s the barely-there script, generally poor acting, and terrible CGI.
But, if I’m being honest, the CGI is better than the acting.
This movie isn’t even worth the 77 minute run time. Most of that is dead space: no character development, no story development, just people on screen looking… bored.

And to quote Forrest Gump: “That’s all I have to say about that.”

Because if I say any more about it, it will only add to the amount of time I wasted on it in the first place.

And I don’t need that.

Jurassic Island is currently available on VOD, with a DVD release date of April 12, and stars Sarah T. Cohen, Alistair Stoneman, Jamila Martin-Wingett, Ray Whelan, Ricardo Freitas, and Nicola Wright.

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