Human Factors – Movie Review
102 Minutes, Not Rated
Written and Directed by Ronny Trocker

A mysterious home invasion triggers off a shake in the core of a cosmopolitan middle-class family and unveils the fragility of truth and the power of individual perspective.
This is a smart film about family, trust, perception, and point-of-view.
Told from five (yes, FIVE) points of view, we see how the home invasion truly played out, as well as the lead up and the aftereffects of it had a bearing on the family.
Don’t let the subtitles put you off. I know we tell you that a lot, but it’s still true. Don’t miss a good, quality film because you think “ugh, I have to READ!”
Human Factors is currently available to stream and stars Sabine Timoteo, Mark Waschke, Jule Hermann, and Wanja Valentin Kube.
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