Double Threat – Movie Review
92 Minutes, Not Yet Rated
Written by CJ Walley
Directed by Shane Stanley

Jimmy recently loses his brother and promises to scatter his ashes in the ocean. His plans, however, are derailed when a normal convenience store pit-stop becomes a mob attack on cashier Natasha. As Jimmy tries to flee, he discovers Natasha hiding in the back seat, and learns that she isn’t some random cashier, but a woman on the run from the mob with a split personality: Nat and Tasha.
After some convincing, Nat and Tasha tag along with Jimmy on a road trip across the country, hoping to escape on a boat to Hawaii. But when the son of the crime boss, Ellis, joins forces with right-hand mobster Ask, an explosive and violent cross-country chase pursues.
Double Threat is one of those low-threat, high-reward movies. It’s got a lot of 80s action cheese, a healthy dose of road comedy, a breath of rom-com wackiness, all wrapped up in the cracked veneer of a Hallmark movie.
That makes it sound totally appealing, right?
Well, actually, it is.
Sure, we’ve got the kind of cliched multiple personality thing going on, and the transitions are often just a bit too easy/predictable/whathaveyou, but it works.
The “double” in Double Threat is, of course, multi-layered, with Natasha’s multiple personalities, the threat to Jimmy from both from those chasing her and of falling for her….
This is a breezy bit of fun in which Danielle C. Ryan gets to flex in two roles, though Matthew Lawrence is more thana bit of a beta-male as he is lead around by the nose while simultaneously falling for not one but BOTH sides of Natasha.
If you come for the Ryan as the hot chick kicking ass, stay around for Dawn Oliveri also kicking ass as “Ask,” a woman with a very specific set of skills who isn’t afraid to use them, even if her boss isn’t really worthy of her loyalty.
Check it out.
Double Threat is currently available On Demand and stars Daneille C. Ryan, Matthew Lawrence, Dawn Oliveri, and Kevin Joy.
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