Gone in the Night – Review
90 Minutes, Rated R
Written by Matthew Derby and Eli Horowitz
Directed by Eli Horowitz

Upon arriving at a remote cabin in the redwoods, Kath (Winona Ryder) and her boyfriend (John Gallagher Jr.) find a mysterious young couple (Owen Teague and Brianne Tju) already there — the rental has apparently been double-booked. With nowhere else to go, they decide to share the cabin with these strangers. When her boyfriend mysteriously disappears with the young woman, Kath becomes obsessed and enlists an unlikely supporter (Dermot Mulroney) with finding an explanation for their sudden breakup— but the truth is far stranger than she could have ever imagined.
Who doesn’t love Winona Ryder? If you don’t, you can just leave now.
Somehow, in between the end of the world and filming the various seasons of Stranger Things, she was able to squeeze in filming this intimate little mystery thriller.
An emotionally damaged woman (Ryder) takes an unexpected weekend trip with her boyfriend to a cabin in the country, but not all is as it seems.
Show up and someone is already there? Every Air-BnB nightmare, right? Not creepy at all. Add to that inherent creepiness the idea of staying in the house with those people who aren’t supposed to be there and a weird “couples” board game that gets uncomfortable quickly, and it a recipe for… well, this movie, I suppose.
Ryder has always had an inherently vulnerable quality, which is why her role in Stranger Things is so great. But she’s always had a bit of a bad-ass to her, as well (Heathers, anyone?), which makes roles of questionable circumstance that much more interesting in that you’ll never know how she’ll play it.
But no matter how she does, it’s always the right way.
As the film finds its way from disappearing lovers to something more sinister, Gone in the Night also brings back Dermot Mulroney in an unexpected (and retro-feeling) role, which gives Ryder a great actor to play off of and/or with as she slowly figures out what’s really going on.
There is a brief point at the climax when you think, just for a moment, that we’re going to get a really, truly dark turn from Ryder’s character, which would have shocked fans of her more… delicate, performances.
It’s definitely worth watching for Ryder fans and genre fans, alike.
Check it out.
Gone in the Night is available on PVOD beginning August 2 and stars Winona Ryder, John Gallagher Jr., Owen Teague, Brianne Tju, and Dermot Mulroney
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