Camping Trip – Review
115 Minutes, Not Rated
Written by Leonardo Fuica
Directed by Leonardo and Demian Fuica

Camping Trip review
Camping Trip poster (Gravitas)


In the summer of 2020, two couples decide to go on a COVID era camping trip after months of being in lockdown. The freedom of nature and the company of their best friends offer the group a rare sense of normality, but though secluded, they’re not alone. Nearby, during a botched drop off, two goons decide to go rogue; inadvertently, implicating the campers. What started as a fun-filled vacation quickly turns into a test of loyalty and survival. Suddenly the pandemic is the least of their worries.



Ugh. Another day, yet another Covid lockdown movie. Look, I get it: “write what you know,” but come on.

Especially when it’s a story that could be taking place at any time, because it’s a well-trod narrative path.

Old friends, divergent lives, sudden chance at change/improvement, distrust, betrayal…

Add into that fairly banal cocktail some pretty mediocre performances, and what we’re left with is a 90-minute exercise in futility.

The group’s chemistry is non-existent, which makes the “what-the-hell-did-we-need-that-for?” group sex scene a bit of a bust at audience titillation.

As Chekov would (loosely) say, all the guns are displayed early, and they’re all fired exactly as they should be by the end.

So feel free to skip this one. I wish I had.

Camping Trip will be available via Digital On Demand beginning August 16 and stars Leo Zola (Leonardo Fuica), Caitlin Cameron, Hannah Forest Briand, and Alex Gravenstein.

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