I Am Groot – Disney+
20 Episodes (5 @~4 minutes), Not Rated

There’s no guarding the galaxy from this mischievous toddler! So get ready as Baby Groot takes center stage in his very own collection of shorts, exploring his glory days growing up—and getting into trouble—among the stars.
Who doesn’t love Groot? Who really doesn’t love Baby Groot?
That’s right; everyone loves Groot. Voiced by Vin Diesel, the anthropomorphic tree has captured the imaginations and hearts of Marvel fans everywhere.
And when you made him a baby in a pot? Please!
That said, Disney put together a series of five short pieces featuring the adventures of said Baby Groot, and I have to say:
Not a fan.
What?! Are you crazy, Mark? How could you not be a fan of a dedicated series of short, humorous pieces featuring a living plant?
**Author’s note: if you’d ever read The Day of the Triffids, you’d know it’s completely possible to not be a fan of living plants (yes, I know plants are “alive;” cool your jets).**
What I mean is that this particular set of shorts is… not great. I mean, the first one is kind of humorous in a “Baby Groot tries to be cool” kind of way, but after that… it goes downhill.
First, they even showed them in the wrong order. Of the five episodes, exactly one of them has Groot in his pot, and he breaks out of it by the end.
And they show that one third.
What the hell, man? What kind of narrative building is that? Sure, they’re independent of one another, but show some pride, man!
Secondly, after the opening episode, the remaining four don’t feel like wacky Groot fun; they feel kind of mean-spirited.
Groot is, for lack of a better word, kind of a dick.
No matter who or what he is dealing with, every one of his actions isn’t good clean fun, sometimes they’re just downright evil.
Like, destroying tiny civilizations evil.
Not cool.
Yes, little kids will just laugh at Groot, but honestly, this is kind of subversive.
And I hate that word.
I Am Groot is streaming exclusively on Disney+ and features the voice of Vin Diesel (and Bradley Cooper in one episode).
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