Fall – Review
107 Minutes, Rated PG-13
Written by Jonathan Frank and Scott Mann
Directed by Scott Mann
**NOTE: Read Mark’s review below, then you can listen as Mark and Ryan discuss the film in this week’s episode along with Bodies Bodies Bodies and Emily the Criminal.**

Best friends Becky and Hunter find themselves at the top of a 2,000-foot radio tower.
Well, you have to admit, the title is pretty much self-explanatory. I mean, I might have gone with The Tower or something, but Fall works.
The synopsis is pretty spot-on, as well. Nearly a year after her husband dies in a fall, a woman is convinced by her You-Tube star, adrenaline junkie, best friend to climb the non-titular Tower to conquer her fear and kinda-guilt and get her life back on track.
Things obviously go wrong.
Trapped at the top, we are treated to two people who cannot avoid one another and the hard conversations that must inevitably follow any life-and-death situation.
After a plot twist midway through their becoming marooned 2000 feet above the ground, the star of the show becomes the visuals.
And the visuals of the latter third of the movie are spectacular. The sweeping drone shots, the perspective POVs as both climbers gaze down at a tower they cannot descend… That part of the film is just sumptuous to watch.
The opening climbing sequence is pretty lame, though. The visual effects there are pretty sub-par.
Sure, the character development is pretty thin, for the most part, as each of the 2.5 (counting Jeffrey Dean Morgan as the father) plays their roles well, but they’re all secondary to the ever-present, looming presence of The Fall which awaits them.
Chekov would be proud, in that everything teased in the opening act returns in the final act, and in my mind, there’s still a bit of ambiguity of some of the things that may or may not have happened.
But that’s likely just my author’s dark side coming to the fore.
If you want a visual treat and are neither agoraphobic nor acrophobic, then you may enjoy Fall quite a bit.
If you want a film that can safely be categorized as Gravity meets Cliffhanger.
In fact, it’s Cliffhanger for the social media set.
Fall opens in theaters August 12 and stars Grace Caroline Currey, Virginia Gardner, Mason Gooding, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan.
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