The Minute You Wake Up Dead – Review
90 Minutes, Rated R
Written by Timothy Holland and Michael Mailer
Directed by Michael Mailer

After a shady small-town stockbroker begins dating a shy waitress, a shocking murder takes place—and one of them may be responsible. As word spreads that there’s money behind the killing, every criminal in town wants their share of the cash. One shocking plot twist follows another, and a bloody showdown leads to a mind-blowing finale.
This is an interesting little diversion of a film, something akin to Hell or High Water in that we’ve got a small-town crime drama. The Minute You Wake Up Dead, however, is more of a whodunit than a whydunit like Hell or High Water.
A stockbroker who is blamed for many townsfolk losing money on a deal, hated by many of them, is dating a local waitress, the daughter of the man he’s renting his house from.
One murder later, and we’re in full-fledged small-town gossipy paranoia mode.
We find out who had the old man killed barely a third of the way into the movie, but that’s not the whole story. Like most good mystery, this one’s got layers.
Layers upon layers.
It borders on too many layers, if you get my drift. Just when you think nobody else could be working an angle in this town, you need to think again.
Now, I can’t confirm that the finale is “mind-blowing”as the synopsis claims, but it’s pretty engaging, and watching Jaimie Alexander play a sort-of small-town femme fatale, against longtime character bad-guy Cole Hauser, with Sheriff Morgan Freeman tyring to untangle the Gordian Knot of it all is entertaining.
Their performances are all above-average, and while a few character actions and dialog may make you cringe a bit in incredulousness, they don’t ruin what is, overall, and enjoyable 90-minute romp.
Check it out.
The Minute You Wake Up Dead is now available in select theaters, digitally, and On Demand, and stars Jaimie Alexander, Cole Hauser, and Morgan Freeman.
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