Exceptional Beings – Review
Written by Njedeh Anthony
Directed by Njedeh Anthony and Christian Kazadi
**NOTE: Read Mark’s post below, then listen to his more in-depth version using the player.**

Two Supernatural Beings begin to question their Godhood, when they encounter a human being, an ordinary woman with an uncanny essence, who doesn’t conform to their thousands of years of knowledge about humanity. They journey through her existence, as it relates to their desperate need to understand answers to questions, they never believed existed.
Is there anything more entertaining than watching nearly omnipotent beings suffering through the same angst as mere mortals?
No. The answer is No.
Inspired by such materials as Good Omens and The Prophesy, Exceptional Beings is slightly less entertaining than either of those, but only because it’s incomplete. There are some solid philosophical and cinematic bits here, but the script itself feels a bit unfinished, and my overall perceptions of it suffered as a result.
Part of that may be simply a script that is lacking, but what might also be a factor is that the film itself was developed as a prequel to a book, which is a weird approach to take, but what do I know.
In Exceptional Beings, Athena and Hermes are two gods(?) who are trying to figure out why a certain mortal woman doesn’t seem the same as other mortals. They know she isn’t one of them, but who, or more importantly what, is she?
That is the existential beast to be tamed for our protagonists. For the most part, what is here is worth being here, the real question is: “is there not more?”
Yes, there is, but not in this film, but in a god-damned (pun intended) book.
So, while I am tempted to begin a rant about creatives developing expanded IPs instead of good (or complete) material, I won’t.
What I will do is tell you to watch the film for the general mythology it is developing, as well as for the performances, though, especially Victoria Antonelli as a very smug oracular Apollo.
Exceptional Beings is currently streaming basically everywhere and stars Rachel Thundat, Ciarra Carter, Dane Oliver, Victoria Antonelli, and Eric Roberts.
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