John Wick Chapter 4 – Review
169 Minutes, Rated R
Written by Shay Hatten, Michael Finch, and Derek Olstad
Directed by Chad Stahelski
**NOTE: this post will be updated with audio once we actually have the chance to talk about it. Until then, you can read Mark’s review below and some of Ryan’s commentary HERE. Remember, though, you can listen to all our discussions of this and every other movie directly over on ACAST. Stay tuned.**
**BONUS: I was joined recently by Lisa from the I Love That Movie podcast to discuss John Wick in depth. You can listen or watch us have that conversation below. Enjoy!

John Wick uncovers a path to defeating The High Table. But before he can earn his freedom, Wick must face off against a new enemy with powerful alliances across the globe and forces that turn old friends into foes.
It’s no secret that we here at the Visually Stunning Movie Podcast absolutely love the universe John Wick (see HERE, and HERE, and HERE) occupies. We love that each successive film has expanded what we know and experience in this world, and we have yet to be disappointed.
As over the top as the franchise is, is has steadfastly clung to two things: it’s hyper-violent (and uber-realistic) close quarters combat, and its dedication to the internal logic of its universe.
As long as you’re consistent, we’ll let you get away with a bunch.
Going into Chapter 4, we expected no less than another ratcheting up of the action and exponential expansion of the universe.
When we left John Wick at the end of Chapter 3: Parabellum, he had just been shot by Winston and fallen from the roof of the Continental, only to be saved by The Bowery King.
Opening with John recovering and training under the King’s auspices, we then launch into John fighting his way to the Elder to retrieve his wedding ring and freedom, only to learn he will gain neither…
…until the deeply-developed Wickian universe presents a completely unique opportunity for John to save himself.
What follows is an exploration of the politics of the High Table, the families which sit at it, and the typical themes of friendship, loyalty, self-interest, and tradition, all wrapped up in some of the incredible set-pieces previous films are known for.
In fact, there is one fight sequence that is shot so incredibly that I think it’s one of my favorite movie scenes EVER, involving a prolonged fight as John moves through an extensive office/apartment complex of rooms. The cinematography in that scene along is awards-worthy, but event the rest of the film has some wonderful shot composition, lighting, and camera moviement.
Do a couple of the set-pieces perhaps drag on a little bit too long? Yes, but in this universe, it’s easy to let that go, despite the film’s 169-minute runtime.
The recent passing of Lance Reddick makes his appearance in this film all the more poignant, and the final ending of the film is sure to be divisive among the fanbase, especially since we’ve been told there will be a spin-off film and a prequel TV series.
Donnie Yen plays a blind man who is incredibly skilled at what he does, which is kill people. If I have one real complaint about the film it’s that we’ve seen him play this role (but from a good-guy POV) in Rogue One, but even their general moral compass is the same in terms of duty and loyalty.
But he’s a great character, taken in a vacuum.
I, for one, am okay with how Chapter 4 has ended, but I may be in the minority on that.
If you’re a fan of the franchise, you shouldn’t be disappointed at all by what you see in Chapter 4. If you’re an action movie fan, in general, you should watch it (and the others) for the sheer beauty of the action sequences.
John Wick Chapter 4 hits theaters on March 23 and stars Keanu Reeves, Donnie Yen, Bill Skarsgard, Laurence Fishburne, Hiroyuki Sanada, Lance Reddick, and Ian McShane.
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