Tim Travers & the Time Traveler’s Paradox
Review by Mark Woodring
Time travel as a movie plot is always dangerous. From H.G. Wells’ Time Machine to The Terminator‘s repeated attempts to change the past, time travel is rife with ways things can go wrong, not least of which is the titular Time Traveler’s Paradox, which postulates the consequences of killing one’s younger self.
Heady stuff, philosophically speaking.
**NOTE: this post may be updated with audio once we actually have the chance to talk about it. Until then, you can read Mark’s review below. Remember, though, you can listen to all our discussions of this and every other movie directly over on ACAST. Stay tuned.**

110 Minutes, Not Rated
Written and Directed by: Stimson Snead
A scientist creates a time machine and kills their younger self to see what would happen. And that self-obsessed, misanthrope, mad genius of a scientist is Tim Travers. And the universe was bad enough with only one of him.
As I tweeted shortly after watching this one:
Honestly, I think this says it all, but I’ll go ahead and add a few things.
First, if you don’t like whacked-out comedy, you won’t like this.
If you hate dialog that is sarcasm piled on sarcasm, with sarcasm on the side, then you won’t enjoy this.
If you enjoy watching a man struggle with the very essence of his being, at a truly fundamental level, then you may very well like this one.
If you’ve ever pondered whether if you weren’t you, if you would actually find yourself to be a likable human being, then you may find this enlightening.
“A few hours can change a person,” especially when that person is literally confronted with themselves.
How would You react to YOU?
Tim Travers & the Time Travelers Paradox premiered at Dances With Films and stars Samuel Dunning, Felicia Day, Joel McHale, Keith David, Stimson Snead, Danny Trejo, Nicole Murray, and David Babbit.
And remember, if the BEST thing you can say about a movie is that it’s “visually stunning,” then they’ve done something wrong.
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