Category: Uncategorized

  • “Chimera” is winning awards

    That’s right, folks, that little indie sci-fi film, Chimera,  we reviewed back in February is starting to gather some well-deserved attention at film festivals. [Be sure to click the link above to check out our thoughts on the film.] Chimera is the first film by writer/director Maurice Haeems, and tells the story of a scientist driven to…

  • A Batman Observation…

    I’m laying in my hotel room, recovering from day 2 at Fan Expo Dallas, and The Dark Knight Rises is on TV. I don’t think it has held up as well as The Dark Knight. Not sure why, exactly, of course. Maybe it’s the unreality of it all. I mean, it’s a comic book movie…

  • Ready Player One – Disclaimer

    Here at the Visually Stunning Movie Podcast, we have always been honest about our preconceived notions regarding movies that we’re reviewing for you guys. Therefore, since we’re going to talk about Ready Player One next week, I thought I would give you all a look at my original review of the book on which the movie…

  • Feels good…

    …to get feedback like this. A couple weeks ago, we reviewed an as-yet-unreleased indie film called Chimera. Check this twitter DM exchange with director Maurice Haeems out. Boy, that makes doing this podcast worthwhile. Remember, if you enjoy what we do as much as we enjoy doing it, Like, Follow, and Share. Thanks, all!

  • Avengers: Infinity War Super Bowl footage.

    Marvel teased some more of the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War during the Super Bowl, and I just have one or two questions: What is the runtime on this going to be: Three hours? The Russo brothers are going to have their hands full to balance the screen time for all the heroes to prevent complaints…

  • Solo: The Super Bowl Teaser Footage

    Well, now that everyone has seen it, I guess I’ll put in my two cents on the upcoming entry into the Star Wars expanded universe: Solo: A Star Wars Story. The second of the “standalone” Star Wars films (after 2016’s Rogue One), Solo will tell the story of the beloved smuggler and unwilling hero of…