Tag: 2018

  • FanX 2018 Wrap-Up

    So, it’s over. FanX 2018 is in the books. It was wild, wooly, typical, decidely atypical, hilarious, tragic, entertaining, and disheartening. Catch all that? Have a listen and see what we mean. Also, feel free to share this as far and wide as you can so we can get the dream episode we discuss (you’ll…

  • The VSMP 2018 Mid-Year Roundup

    The VSMP 2018 Mid-Year Roundup

    That’s right, it’s our 2018 Mid-Year Roundup, where we talk about movies and how they fit into some awards-season-style categories. Best and Worst Picture, most disappointing, most overlooked, Best Actor and Actress… we even, shockingly, tangent a bit in a couple spots, but it’s all about movies. There’s some surprises, some predictable entries, and a…