Tag: anthony russo

  • Cherry


    Cherry 140 Minutes, Rated R Written by Angela Russo-Otstot and Jessica Goldberg Directed by Anthony and Joe Russo Synopsis: An Army medic suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder becomes a serial bank robber after an addiction to drugs puts him in debt. A big deal release for Spider-Man star Tom Holland, as we prepare for another…

  • Avengers: Endgame (Spoiler-Filled Edition)

    You were warned. We warned you at the end of our Spoiler-Free review of Avengers: Endgame, and here it is, the Spoiler-Filled discussion of Avengers: Endgame No, this isn’t a point by point discussion of the film, it is the three of us discussing–without limits–what parts of the film we enjoyed, didn’t enjoy, loved…. So…

  • Avengers: Endgame (Spoiler-Free Edition)

    Well, we’ve been teasing it, expecting it, anticipating it, and now it’s finally here: Avengers: Endgame Directed once more by the incredible twosome of Joe and Anthony Russo, from a script by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, the end of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) as we know it is upon us. We’re going to…