Tag: Black Panther

  • Black Panther – S03E06

    Welcome back, boys and girls, to the Visually Stunning Movie Podcast. As promised for what seems like weeks now, we’re taking a look at the latest entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the first of several Marvel films of 2018, Black Panther Directed by Ryan Coogler, and starring Chadwick Boseman, Angela Basset, Lupita Nyong’o,…

  • Avengers: Infinity War Super Bowl footage.

    Marvel teased some more of the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War during the Super Bowl, and I just have one or two questions: What is the runtime on this going to be: Three hours? The Russo brothers are going to have their hands full to balance the screen time for all the heroes to prevent complaints…

  • A Taste of 2018

    Hey, all! I hope everyone has survived the holiday season in more A Christmas Story manner than National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. Now that we’re fully into 2018, I thought I’d peek ahead at some of the films slated for release this year that we may end up talking about for you in this, our third season…