Tag: blake lively

  • WTFWT? Gretel and Hansel PLUS The Rhythm Section

    WTFWT? Gretel and Hansel PLUS The Rhythm Section

    Yep. We’re still at it. Found some more never-before-heard audio of Ryan and I discussing films we wouldn’t wind up discussing in actual episodes. This kind of stuff happens a lot, where we talk about what we might see, have seen that the other one hasn’t, and things like that. In this case, it’s two…

  • A Simple Favor

    Based on a novel by Darcey Bell, Blake Lively and Anna Kendrick star in this weekend’s big release: A Simple Favor Director Paul Feig weaves us a tale of friendship (?), intrigue, love (?), and family. What begins with a chance play-date with their sons quickly escalates into a complex game of “what the hell?”…