Tag: jeff goldblum

  • Isle of Dogs – S03E16

    Director Wes Anderson is known for taking his audiences on some pretty serious flights of fancy. From The Royal Tenenbaums to The Fantastic Mr. Fox, he never ceases to surprise with his slanted look at the world. Does his latest offering stack up? Isle of Dogs All the great Wes Anderson cast is back again,…

  • Thor: Ragnarok

    Well, we’ve entered the Fall season, everyone, and the first of the trinity of true blockbuster-potential movies is upon us. This time up, we’re (finally) talking about Marvel’s latest entry into their Cinematic Universe, Thor: Ragnarok Thor, Loki, Heimdall, Valkyrie–and let’s not forget The Hulk–band together to escape the clutches of Grandmaster and defeat Hela,…

  • Thor: Ragnarok trailer

    Holy schnikies. Marvel has dropped the first teaser trailer for Thor: Ragnarok today. What can I say? People are losing their collective shit over this for a couple of reasons.