Archive Post

Glass Cabin

If you're in the Hollywood area for Screamfest next month (October), you might want to…


Here's a quick look at a little horror film called Replace [caption id="attachment_2675" align="aligncenter" width="432"]…

Momo – The Missouri Monster

Whew! Almost missed the release date for this one! Releasing today (20 September) on DVD…


Read that title again: Clownado [caption id="attachment_2631" align="aligncenter" width="294"] Clownado[/caption] Clown. Tornado. I'm just saying...

Angel Has Fallen

Two big releases this week; here's the first: Angel Has Fallen [caption id="attachment_2574" align="aligncenter" width="438"]…

WTFWT? The Hunt

Welcome back, fans, for another episode of [caption id="attachment_958" align="aligncenter" width="393"] WTFWT?[/caption] This time, we…