Tag: Nick Jonas

  • Calls


    Calls ~15 Minutes/9 Episodes Directed by Fede Alverez Synopsis: Told through a series of interconnected phone conversation, it chronicles the mysterious story of a group of strangers whose lives are thrown into disarray in the lead-up to an apocalyptic event. Serious, I don’t know how to write this up. It was hard enough trying to…

  • Chaos Walking

    Chaos Walking

    Chaos Walking 109 Minutes, Rated PG-13 Written by Patrick Ness, Christopher Ford Directed by Doug Liman Synopsis: In the not too distant future, Todd Hewitt discovers Viola, a mysterious girl who crash lands on his planet, where all the women have disappeared and the men are afflicted by “the Noise” – a force that puts…

  • Midway

    Big release for Veterans’ Day Weekend: Midway Directed by Roland Emmerich, Midway stars Woody Harrelson, Patrick Wilson, Ed Skrein, Luke Evans, Mandy Moore, Dennis Quaid, Aaron Eckhart, Nick Jonas, and a supplemental cast of hundreds. Cecil B. DeMille would be proud. Midway is the fact-based retelling of the post-Pearl Harbor actions of the United States…