Tag: Overlord

  • Overlord

    Overlord From producer J.J. Abrams comes a new adventure in war, Nazis, and scientists with medical ethics problems: Overlord. Directed by Julius Avery, and starring Jovan Adepo, Wyatt Russell, Mathilde Ollivier, Pilou Asbaek, John Magaro, and Iain De Caestecker, Overlord is the story of a small group of American soldiers behind enemy lines on D Day.…

  • A Taste of 2018

    Hey, all! I hope everyone has survived the holiday season in more A Christmas Story manner than National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. Now that we’re fully into 2018, I thought I’d peek ahead at some of the films slated for release this year that we may end up talking about for you in this, our third season…