Tag: virtual reality

  • Lx2048


    Next up, we talk about a new sci-fi film from Chimera Pictures: Written and directed by Guy Moche Lx2048 Lx2048 poster (Photo courtesy of Chimera Pictures) Synopsis: A fatally ill man tries to secure the future of his family in a world where the toxicity of the sun forces people to stay inside during the…

  • Empathy, Inc.

    Next up, from Dark Star Pictures, it’s the sci-fi entry Empathy, Inc. From writer Mark Leidner, director Yedidya Gorsetman presents a vision of a future where empathy is the currency of the realm… or is it? TRAILER (YouTube) Starring Zack Robida, Kathy Searle, Jay Klaitz, Eric Berryman, and AJ Cedeno, what you pay to escape…

  • Jurassic Games

    From Uncork’d Entertainment: High Octane Pictures presents, The Jurassic Games. As everyone listening should know by now, I love a good, solid, sci-fi B-movie. Love ’em. Can’t get enough of ’em. Lucky for me, today I’ve got a sci-fi B-movie. Think The Running Man meets The Hunger Games meets Jurassic Park meets Predators. But is it good and…