On the Trail of UFOs – Night Visitors

Visually Stunning Movie Podcast
On the Trail of UFOs – Night Visitors

On the Trail of UFOs – Night Visitors 
80 Minutes, Not Rated
Directed by Seth Breedlove

On the Trail of UFOs: Night Visitors
Night Visitors poster (Courtesy of Small Town Monsters)


Do cattle mutilations still plague the American West? According to On the Trail of UFOs: Night Visitors, the latest documentary from Small Town Monsters, the phenomenon which was popularized through references in shows like “The X-Files” and “Unsolved Mysteries”, continues to this day. Today, cattle mutilations are thought to go hand in hand with mysterious objects in the skies (commonly referred to as UFOs or UAPs) and that’s what first brought indie documentary crew Small Town Monsters and investigator Shannon LeGro to the Miller Ranch in southern Colorado.
While filming this latest chapter in their series, LeGro and company found an unusual amount of activity centered around this particular ranch. Everything from odd lights seen in the air and on the ground, to unusual sounds, enigmatic government black helicopters and even specific corners of the property that seemed to invite deadly accidents. At the heart of all this bizarre activity was a series of cattle mutilations that truly call into question what we think we know about the topic of UFOs and little green men from outer space.
Tom Miller, the property owner and lifelong rancher, claims that he’s lost at least 16 cattle in ways which defy logical explanations. Missing organs, precise laser-like cuts, and horrendous wounds are typically all that remains. In Night Visitors, LeGro and Small Town Monsters founder Seth Breedlove explore the property, as well as a mutilation site and examine evidence left behind.


Night Visitors is the follow-up to the 2020 miniseries, On the Trail of UFOs and the 2021 film On the Trail of UFOs: Dark Sky.

As a documentarian, Breedlove has established a comfortable niche for himself in the realm of the supernatural, cryptid, and UFO subject matter. From Bigfoot to Mothman and now cattle mutilations and the alien arguement for those, he covers a lot of ground.

I’ve seen a couple other Small Town Monster productions, and they’re generally not terribly ground-breaking in terms of new information or revelation, but they are often a nice primer into the chosen subject matter, and Night Visitors is no exception.

Spending barely half its run-time on the Miller ranch in Colorado, we are instead given a patchwork history of cattle mutilations, unexplained activity in Colorado specifically, including interviews with the head of MUFON in Colorado and the obligatory “former military member” to offer more hearsay testimony of events.

For the record, I believe in aliens. I’ve never had a personal encounter, but rather I play the odds that it’s more likely than not that this little blue-green ball is NOT the most developed place in the galaxy, much less the universe.

I honestly don’t recall any serious time in NIght Visitors being given to a veterinary specialist, even with their identity safeguarded. They casually mention the (if you’re familiar with the lore) bloat/tear phenomenon some use to discount the mutilations, but other than that, Breedlove and host Legro wind up presenting a 30,000-foot overview of the phenomenon, all from the comfort of the Miller’s dining room or being drone captured on the always beautiful Colorado landscape.

As I said, this is a fine, if incomplete, primer on cattle mutilation, while scatter-shotting across multiple other topics best left to their own individual presentations.

On the Trail of UFOs – Night Visitors is available from 1091 Pictures on VOD and Digitally (including iTunes, Amazon Prime Video, Vudu and FandangoNOW) now.

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